September 20th – 22nd, 2024

We’re excited to host you for the 2024 edition of the Harvest Ultimate tournament!
To get your team pre-registered for Harvest, please fill out the form below to make your bid.
This is an exclusive tournament and only 16 teams will be selected. Please let us know if your team has attended Harvest in the past, where your team is from, and why we should pick your bid!
An email with rostering and payment information will go out to selected teams, along with a questionnaire around field food options.

Scroll below to complete the pre-registration form!


  • Camp site next to the fields

  • Athletic Therapy and First Aid On Site

  • Live Score Tracking

  • Massage Therapy

  • Firewood

  • Team Beverages

  • Team Field Food

  • Six or Seven games

  • Two Breakfasts and Dinner

  • Friday Evening Chill Zone

  • Saturday Evening Entertainment

Pre-Registration Open